Cleverest Boy In the World

Today Cheng-cheng performed much smarter than I thought of him. The boy found out the money that Mama lost this morning. Before that Mama called me and asked me to search for the money. Probably it was forgotten on the top of or besides the night table. But I found nothing. After I had a shower and walked out of the Toilet, Cheng-cheng pointed his finger to the bottom of our bed, shouting to me. When I went there and checked out what's happening, wow... isn't it the right money Mama lost last night? Cheng-cheng picked it up and hand over to me, even I didn't tell him to do so.


因为往地板上连续扔了两个积木,(扔第一个的时候我已经给出警告了),我抓 住他的小手打了好几下,具体几下都记不清了,反正挺多了,而且越打越重,当时小手立马就红了。小子也没哭,站在床边倚着床,只看着眼泪在眼珠子里面打转, 小嘴憋了两下,愣是没出哭出来。当时真的很生气,所以也没过去哄他,僵持了1分钟后还是他爷爷把他抱了起来。看得出来小子是知道错了,也有点害怕了,一时 都不敢正眼看我。
