Song of the Day - Magic Boulevard

Title: Magic Boulevard
Artist: Francois Feldman

这首法文歌曲是北京电视台《联想环球影视》栏目的片尾曲,旋律美的没法说,歌手的声音浑厚有穿透力,生动地刻画出一位影院领座员寂寞的内心感受。因为是法语歌所以就不贴lyrics了(贴了也白搭!)。 Blocked in China

These days is blocked by China government. I was almost going to migrate to back. Luckily I found that allow those weblog pages accessible, which were blocked by India, Pakistan, Iran or China government. For example now I can view my blog at Hoping would be open in days, I decide to give up blogsome and will never post diary over there.

Groove Coverage - Far Away From Home

Title: Far Away From Home
Artist: Groove Coverage

Groove Coverage - Far Away From Home

Verse 1

I'm loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so....
I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.


And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again.


In my dreams I am not so far away from home,
What am I in a world so far away from home,
All my life all the time so far away from home,
Without you I will be so far away from home.

Verse 2

If we could make it through the darkest Night we'd have a brighter day.
the world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay.


And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again.


In my dreams I am not so far away from home,
What am I in a world so far away from home,
All my life all the time so far away from home,
Without you I will be so far away from home.

Verse 3

I count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find its time.
I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine.


And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.
Where is home on the milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again.

Chorus: x2

In my dreams I am not so far away from home,
What am I in a world so far away from home,
All my life all the time so far away from home,
Without you I will be so far away from home....

Sade - By Your Side

Title: By Your Side
Artist: Sade

Sade - By Your Side (Lyrics)

You think I'd leave your side baby
You know me better than that
You think I'd leave you down when you're down on your knees
I wouldn't do that
I'll tell you you're right when you want
And if only you could see into me
Ha ah ah ah ah ah

Oh when you're cold
I'll be there
Hold you tight to me

When you're on the outside baby and you can't get in
I will show you you're so much better than you know
When you're lost and you're alone and you cant get back again
I will find you darling and i will bring you home

And if you want to cry
I am here to dry your eyes
And in no time
You'll be fine

You think I'd leave your side baby
You know me better than that
You think id leave you down when you're down on your knees
I wouldn't do that
I'll tell you you're right when you want
And if only you could see into me
Ha ah ah ah ah ah

Oh when you're cold
I'll be there
Hold you tight to me
Oh When you're low
I'll be there
By your side baby

Oh when you're cold
I'll be there
Hold you tight to me
Oh when you're low
I'll be there
By your side baby

Upgrade To Firefox 2.0

This morning when I turned on the computer I found Mozilla Firefox release 2.0 was announced available today, and then downloaded it and had a try at once. It's more faster both at startup and browsing web pages. It should take some time to figure out its stability.

For my installed extensions (Firefox calls them add-ons in 2.0), three of them are incompatible with the new version: Fasterfox, MinimizeToTray and Tab Mix Plus. Either wait for their upgrading or find other ways to use them. I let Fasterfox disabled and wait its upgrading because it has less impact to me. MinimizeToTray can be easily installed as long as you manually modify the install.rdf (maxVersion to 2.0 or higher) within the installing package. It seems that Tab Mix Plus cannot fit FF2.0 as easily as MinimizeToTray does. So I choose another tabbed browsing add-on, Tab Mix Lite, which works fine to me.

Switch or upgrade your browse to Firefox 2.0. It's really better than Internet Explorer.
Firefox 2

Emacs Basic (3)

Entering and Exiting

To enter Emacs you type: emacs or emacs foo.

To Exit Emacs use the command C-x C-c, save-buffers-kill-emacs

To suspend Emacs (in the Unix sense of stopping it and putting it in the background) use the command C-x C-z (which is bound to suspend-emacs). How you restart it is up to your shell, but is probably based on the fg command.

Self Inserting Commands

Once you've got Emacs running, you can type into it. There's no need for any special insert mode or anything like that: remember, printing characters insert themselves because each one is bound to self-insert-command.

The Mode Line

The Emacs screen is completely devoted to the text of your file, except for one line near the bottom of the screen: the Mode Line. This line is informational: you can never move into it. It's almost always in reverse video or otherwise highlighted. It displays important information (which may change), including:
  • - The state of the buffer, one of modified (indicated by a pair of asterisks), unmodified (hyphens), or read-only (indicated by a pair of % signs).
  • - The name of the file you're editing (it will be *scratch* if you're not editing any file).
  • - The major mode (in parens).
  • - The amount of the file that you can see on the screen:
All, You can see all of the file.
Top, You can see the top of the file.
Bot, You can see the bottom of the file.
Percentage, NN% indicates the percentage of the file above the top of the window.

The Mini-buffer

The blank line below the mode line is the minibuffer. The minibuffer is used by Emacs to display messages, and also for input when Emacs is prompting you to type something (it may want you to type yes or no in answer to a question, the name of a file to be edited, the long name of a command, etc).

The minibuffer is also known as the echo area, because Emacs echoes keystrokes here if you're typing really slowly. To see this, type any multi-character keystroke (like, ESC q) with a long pause between the keystrokes.


一天,汉德・泰莱神父去医院主持一位病人的临终忏悔,他到医院后听 到了这样一段话:“仁慈的上帝!我喜欢唱歌,音乐是我的生命,我的愿望是唱遍美国。作为一名黑人,我实现了这个愿望,我没有什么要忏悔的。我还用歌声养活 了我的6个孩子,现在我的生命就要结束了,我死而无憾。”

歌手的话让神父想起5年前他曾主持过的一次临终忏悔。那次是位富翁,而他的忏悔 竟然和黑人歌手差不多。他对神父说:“我喜欢赛车,从小研究它们,改进它们,经营它们,一辈子没离开过它们。这种工作与兴趣相结合的生活方式让我非常满 意,而且我还从中赚了大笔的钱,现在我没有什么要忏悔的。”


目前,我的活法虽然还有些许的个人舍弃(你不可能占有你想要的一切),但基本的状态还是在上文所提到的两条轨道上。工作时间已经超过5年,一直从事着技术类 的工作,也做过两家公司了,我觉得这基本上在这两家公司里做的都不算失败:第一个公司虽然收入少点儿,但是从中提升得很快,当然是个人能力方面啦;而现在 所服务的这家公司收入提高了很多,而且工作强度(load)一直也不大,虽然有时候会觉得过于清闲了,起码干的还是自己喜欢的事情。就算以后要离开这里 (这应该是迟早的事),我想也不会离开这个行业,也不会转去做我所不熟悉(归根到底是不喜欢)的职位。

Emacs Basic (2)

Commands to Manipulate Files

C-x C-f, find-file.

This is the main command used to read a file into a buffer for editing. It's actually rather subtle. When you execute this command, it prompts you for the name of the file (with completion). Then it checks to see if you're already editing that file in some buffer; if you are, it simply switches to that buffer and doesn't actually read in the file from disk again. If you're not, a new buffer is created, named for the file, and initialized with a copy of the file. In either case the current window is switched to view this buffer.
C-x C-s, save-buffer.
This is the main command used to save a file, or, more accurately, to write a copy of the current buffer out to the disk, overwriting the buffer's file, and handling backup versions.
C-x s, save-some-buffers.
Allows you to save all your buffers that are visiting files, querying you for each one and offering several options for each (save it, don't save it, peek at it first then maybe save it, etc).

Commands to Manipulate Buffers

C-x b, switch-to-buffer.
Prompts for a buffer name and switches the buffer of the current window to that buffer. Doesn't change your window configuration. This command will also create a new empty buffer if you type a new name; this new buffer will not be visiting any file, no matter what you name it.
C-x C-b, list-buffers.
Pops up a new window which lists all your buffers, giving for each the name, modified or not, size in bytes, major mode and the file the buffer is visiting.
C-x k, kill-buffer.
Prompts for a buffer name and removes the entire data structure for that buffer from Emacs. If the buffer is modified you'll be given an opportunity to save it. Note that this in no way removes or deletes the associated file, if any.
C-x C-q, vc-toggle-read-only.
Make a buffer read-only (so that attempts to modify it are treated as errors), or make it read-write if it was read-only. Also, if the files is under version control, it will check the file out for you.

Commands to Manipulate Windows

C-v, scroll-up.
The basic command to scroll forward (towards the end of the file) one screenful. By default Emacs leaves you two lines of context from the previous screen.
M-v, scroll-down.
Just like C-v, but scrolls backwards.
C-x o, other-window.
Switch to another window, making it the active window. Repeated invocation of this command moves through all the windows, left to right and top to bottom, and then circles around again. Under a windowing system, you can use the left mouse button to switch windows.
C-x 1, delete-other-windows.
Deletes all other windows except the current one, making one window on the screen. Note that this in no way deletes the buffers or files associated with the deleted windows.
C-x 0, delete-window.
Deletes just the current window, resizing the others appropriately.
C-x 2, split-window-vertically.
Splits the current window in two, vertically. This creates a new window, but not a new buffer: the same buffer will now be viewed in the two windows. This allows you to view two different parts of the same buffer simultaneously.
C-x 3, split-window-horizontally.
Splits the current window in two, horizontally. This creates a new window, but not a new buffer: the same buffer will now be viewed in the two windows. This allows you to view two different parts of the same buffer simultaneously.
C-M-v, scroll-other-window.
Just like C-v, but scrolls the other window. If you have more than two windows, the other window is the window that C-o would switch to.

Emacs Basic (1)

Emacs has three data structures (actually four) that are intimately related, and very important to understand:

A file is the actual Unix file on disk. You are never editing this file. Rather, you can read a copy into Emacs to initialize a buffer, and write a copy of a buffer out to a file to save it.
A buffer is the internal data structure that holds the text you actually edit. Emacs can have any number of buffers active at any moment. Most, but by no means all, buffers are associated with a file. Buffers have names; a buffer that has been initialized from a file is almost always named for that file, and we say that the buffer is visiting the file. This means, in particular, that when you save the buffer, it's saved to the proper file. At any given time exactly one buffer is selected: this is the buffer that your hardware cursor is in, and this is where commands you type take effect (including self-insert commands). Buffers can be deleted at will; deleting a buffer in no way deletes the file on disk (though you may lose any editing changes you made if you don't save first).
A window is your view of a buffer. Due to limited screen real-estate, you may not have room to view all your buffers at once. You can split the screen, horizontally or vertically, into as many windows as you like (or at least have room for), each viewing a different buffer. It's also possible to have several windows viewing different portions of the same buffer. Windows can be created and deleted at will; deleting a window in no way deletes the buffer associated with the window. Each window has its own Mode Line, but there's still only one minibuffer.
A frame is like a window, but is treated as a separate entity under a windowing system like X. I won't be discussing frames.


发信人: toctory (子欲养而亲不待), 信区: METech
标 题: 关于半导体行业的一些个人看法,给正在毕业的同学们
发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Oct 20 12:58:45 2006), 站内

--by toctory















其次是广泛的了解相关的知识和系统。相关的资料大概都需要看一看,可以看看摘要,甚至也可以只记个名字,这样以后忽悠人的时候也会多一些谈资么。多了解这个方向的研究历史,现状和发展方向,以及这个方向在不同系统中的应用前景和特点。对于某一个具体的专业方向,我觉得了解过去10年20年中人们是如何研究和了解这个咚咚,现在的发展方向,和未来的应用前景方面是需要花费一些功夫的。和Google和图书馆可以找到很多这方面的资料。大量的阅读可以建立一个对整个方向的宏观概念,对于自己以后深入研究和了解某个专门方向会很有帮助。例如我们研究Delta Sigma ADC,那么在了解基本的原理后,需要知道过去的时间中大家都在这个方向做了些什么,从80年代就已经成熟得到广泛应用的2级单bit,到现在多种多样的,高精度,高速,低电压,低功耗,包括passive的,多bit,连续系统,每一种子方向的发展都有其自身的驱动力,选择与自己相关的几个子方向进行详细了解,明白他们的应用背景和功能/性能限制是很必要的。





























※ 修改:・chip 于 Oct 20 20:35:50 修改本文・[FROM: 159.226.43.*]
※ 来源:・水木社区・[FROM: 219.232.60.*]

Get Started to Emacs

Since the vlog-mode for Emacs is very powerful for editting Verilog files, (auto-sensativity, auto-instance and etc.) I'm going to learn how to use this GNU software and hope this famous tool may enable me to promote the Verillog coding efficiency on writing RTL codes.

This time I've got to know some essential command for Emacs such as,

- Open file (C-x C-f)
- Save file (C-x C-s)
- Exit (C-x C-c)
- Undo (C-x u)
- Move forward char (C-f)
- Move back char (C-b)
- Move next line (C-n)
- Move previous line (C-p)

For me it seems that Emacs's more complicated and inconvenient than Vi currently. Perhaps I need some time to get familiar with the new software.

Download vlog-mode file here: vlog-mode-20061019.tgz

I'm Loving This Picture

The moment of three monthes, Cheng-cheng's showing his great potential power. I'm lovin this picture and I do love my son, who brings much happiness to the family, along with much mess of course. :) With warm heart and careful mind by his mum son's growing up healthily and rapidly. I'm so happy to see that.

Hooverphonic - Mermaid's Song (Chivas Life)

Title: Mermaid's Song
Artist: Hooverphonic

This is the complete version of the song Chivas ads song, which is demoed in the previous entry. I've never heard such a peaceful and beautiful music before. It's like friends get together and talk freely at a silent village with easiest moods. If you are tired, angry or desperate, enjoy this song and you'll be calmed down and a smile will come to your face.

It is said that this work is composed by a young French girl FM.

Hooverphonic - Mermaid Song (Lyrics)

We could be together
Everyday together
We could sit forever
As loving waves spill over

The moon is fully risen
And shines over the sea
As you glide in my vision
The time is standing still
Don't shy away too long
This is a boundless dream
Come close to me my reason
I'll take you in my wings

We could be together
Everyday Forever
We belong together
Further seas and over

In the garden of the sea
I see you looking over
With my wistful melody
You leap into the water
It is no breaths sighing
This is the mermaid song
The singing of my sisters
The sea has drown for long

Mermaid, Mermaid...

We could be together
Everyday together
We could sit forever
As loving waves spill over
We could be together
Everyday Forever
We could be together
Everyday together

Embed MP3 Player in Your Webpage

In previous entry you find an audio file (MP3) is played within the post. How did I make it? In fact it utilizes the Google Audio Player (GAP), which is introduced in Gmail service at the beginning. See it below.

Google Audio Player without loading audio files.

Source code is:

src="" style="width: 400px; height: 27px;"

Google Audio Player with loading a MP3 file, hosted in Google's server.

Source code is:
src="" style="width: 400px; height: 27px;"

For Internet Explorer, Once the audio file doesn't hosted in Google's server, Google will choose WMP (Windows Media Player) instead of GAP as its player. For Firefox this limitation does not exist. Fortunately I found out a solution at Oasis Feng's blog site to eliminate the limitation for IE users.

Google Audio Player with loading a MP3 file, hosted in Chivas HK website, NOT in Google's server.

Check out the source code by view this page's source.

Song of the Day - Without You

I used to believe 'Without You' from Mariah Carey in 1994, is a revision of Air Supply's performance in 80's. I knew I was wrong when I listened to the radio 'Easy FM' this morning. The song was originated by Harry Nilsson in 1971. It's more moving performed by the creator.

Title: Without You
Artist: Harry Nilsson

Title: Without You
Artist: Air Supply

Title: Without You
Artist: Mariah Carey

Harry Nilsson - Without You (Lyrics)

No, I can't forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way the story goes
You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows
Yes, it shows

No, I can't forget tomorrow
When I think of all my sorrows
When I had you there but then I let you go
And now it's only fair that I should let you know
What you should know

I can't live if living is without you
I can't live, I can't give any more
Can't live if living is without you
I can't give, I can't give any more

No, I can't forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way the story goes
You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows
Yes, it shows

Can't live if living is without you
I can't live, I can't give anymore
I can't live if living is without you
Can't live, I can't give anymore
(Living is without you)

Remove Your Navbar

To remove the Navbar at the topmost of your blogger beta, just add the following scripts before <body> in your blog Template file.

<style type='text/css'>
#navbar-iframe {
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
display: none;

For those old blogger users (not blogger beta) the scripts should be,

<style type='text/css'>
#b-navbar {
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
display: none;

My Firefox Add-ons

I've been using Firefox as my web browser for nearly 2 years. Yes it's safer, faster, and better as it describes. Due to its tabbed browsing you don't have to open dozens of windows any more. Besides I feel FF is more clean and more stable than IE, and of course it's very interesting for a lot of add-ons supporting. Almost you can find any gadget you want by installing a small extension. Here lists my FF add-ons and their short descriptions. Trust me! They are quite interesting and helpful when you are surfing.

1. Adblock Plus, prevents advertisements and banner from displaying.
2. Fasterfox, speeds up browsing webpages.
3. FlashGot, enables single and massive downloads using the most popular external download manager.
4. FoxyTunes, controls any media player in FF.
5. Gmail Manager, Gmail accounts management and new mail notifications.
6. Gmail Space, uses your Gmail account space for file storage (upload/download).
7. GMarks, shows your Google Bookmarks in the sidebar.
8. Google Notebook, allows notetaking while browsing.
9. IE Tab, enables you to use the embedded IE engine within FF.
10. MinimizeToTray, minimizes FF window into the system tray.
11. Performancing, a full featured blog editor that sits right in your FF browser and lets you post your blog easily.
12. Tab Mix Plus, a big enhancement for tabbed browsing.

My Firefox window snapshot

Linux Distribution Chooser

Fedora, Debian, Manderiva... or hottest Ubuntu? Are you still wondering which Linux Distro you prefer to? Now there's a tool, Linux Distribution Chooser may help you decide. All you have to do is to answer a few questions by clicking in one minute, then LDC will tell you what's most suitable for you. Try it and get fun! The result for me is Fedora Core, but I'd rather use Ubuntu.

PFF, Performancing Firefox

This post is editted and published from my new Firefox add-on Performancing. It looks interesting for blogging!

PFF, Performancing Firefox is a plug-in (extension or add-on) for Firefox, which is compatible for most of blog services. At least it works fine for Blogsome (or Wordpress alike) and Blogger. Within Firefox browser you can publish a new post or edit a existing post by only clicking F8 or pushing a status icon.


Click to view full size.
Click to view full size.
Click to view full size.

Google to buy YouTube for 1.65 billion USD

Google has agreed to acquire the rapidly arising video sharing start, YouTube for $1.65 billion all stock deal, Google official press release. The price makes YouTube, a still-unprofitable startup, by far the most expensive purchase made by Google during its eight-year history. It is over three times what News Corp paid for MySpace only a year and a half ago.

From the official press release, "Google has agreed to acquire YouTube, the consumer media company for people to watch and share original videos through a Web experience, for $1.65 billion in a stock-for-stock transaction. Following the acquisition, YouTube will operate independently to preserve its successful brand and passionate community."

In a statement, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said, "The YouTube team has built an exciting and powerful media platform that complements Google's mission to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our companies share similar values; we both always put our users first and are committed to innovating to improve their experience. Together, we are natural partners to offer a compelling media entertainment service to users, content owners and advertisers."

YouTube CEO Chad Hurley said, "By joining forces with Google, we can benefit from its global reach and technology leadership to deliver a more comprehensive entertainment experience for our users and to create new opportunities for our partners. I'm confident that with this partnership we'll have the flexibility and resources needed to pursue our goal of building the next-generation platform for serving media worldwide."


今天早上带着Cheng-cheng去金杨地段医院给他打预防针(注射疫苗),并且还要吃"糖丸"。在之前,除了母乳和配方奶粉宝宝基本没有吃过别的食 物,所以开始奶奶有点担心宝宝不会吃"糖丸",实际吃的时候还算顺利,一会儿宝宝就把"糖丸"吃完了,毕竟是甜的东西,大概小孩子都不会排斥的。这个倒还 罢了,最让我们吃惊的是接下来注射疫苗,那么长的一个针头一下子扎进宝宝的小屁股里面,宝宝居然"呜"都没有"呜"一声,当时我就直夸宝宝:真牛,真勇 敢!后面等候打针的小朋友大概两岁了,还没轮到就"哇哇"大哭起来了,他妈妈在后面直说:"你看人家小弟弟那么小都不哭......"。听着这话,爸爸妈 妈可真为Cheng-cheng骄傲。记得第一次给宝宝打疫苗的时候,宝宝多少还"嗯..."了一声,这次居然一点没感觉似的,真的是太出乎我们的意料 了。


瞧,宝宝今天都能自己抓东西了,妈妈从哪儿找出来的小手电筒啊?Click to check out the album.

The National Day 2006

In this day my dear older sister with her husband and litlle lovely daughter came to my home, Shanghai. My sister is more beutiful than before. And my lovely niece, Sha-Sha, is still very piggish. :) I invited them eating many crabs, which is famous at this time in South. And invited Sha-Sha eating KFC, which is her favarite. My husband took them to Jin-Jiang paradise and have a nice day. Because I have to suckle my little son, I have no much time to accompany with them. So very thanks my husband helping me serve my sister.

Click to check out the album.

--Written by Velay